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A hidden treasure - Momondo goes to Lisbon
At Momondo we believe in exploring interesting places. Lisbon on the Atlantic coast may be one of the best hidden treasures of Europe. Located in the South-West corner of Europe, Lisbon is easily reachable by plane from all major European cities.

When arriving in Lisbon you will be amazed by the mixture of new and old. For hundreds of years Portugal was a global empire in the ranks of countries like England and France. A large number of imposing castles and monasteries are still present in Lisbon today which give a special ambiance to the city. In spite of the rapid economic development the price level in Lisbon is still very reasonable.

I have chosen to live in the Lisbon-Cascais area and I've never had any regrets. The climate is fantastic and the Portuguese are very pleasant people. They don't mind sharing their beautiful country.

1 comentário:

Sushi Master disse...

Excelente site! Foi o que me safou nestas mini-férias.